How Can I Help Your School?

As a teacher, I know from first hand experience how attention, behaviour and mental health can be detrimentally impacted by the quality of sleep the child has had the night before. For children to be expected to stay regulated in a classroom, to concentrate, sit still, complete work, to play and socialise when they are tired and exhausted is hard to comprehend- as adults we would struggle and would likely ‘ease the brakes’ that day but children are rarely given that option.

Many children with autism and anxiety have targets within their education health care plans around sleep. They often highlight the difficulties the child has around sleeping and how it is affecting the child negatively but rarely give the families the support to carry out the necessary changes. Understandably, schools are unable to help meet these needs as they are not present at bedtime nor do they have the expertise in this area.

Working together for your pupils

My school packages are aimed to help schools to improve the lives of the families within their community whilst also having a positive impact on the child’s behaviour and well-being while in school. Research has shown that a better night’s sleep leads to improved behaviour, improved attention and improved communication so tackling a child’s sleep will benefit so many areas of not their life, but also the lives of those around them.

I will begin my work with the family by taking undertaking initial calls and asking them to complete my comprehensive questionnaire and sensory profile. Once this information is received I will create bespoke plans for the child and will arrange a time that is convenient to speak it through with the parents/carers. Depending on the package chosen, the parents will then have the knowledge to implement the changes and will either receive a follow up call 2 weeks later to see how they are getting on or will receive up to 4 weeks of support through calls and/or messages to help them stay on track.

Restful - Bee£345

A package designed to get moving towards your sleep goals in your own time. Includes an in-depth questionnaire detailing your child’s sleep needs, sensory profiling (if applicable), bespoke written plan and 90-minute video call to help you implement the plan. With this plan you will have the knowledge to get going when the time is right. You will have the option to later upgrade to full support if you feel you need extra.

  • Initial 45-minute call
  • Indepth questionnaire
  • Sensory profiling (if applicable)
  • Bespoke written plan
  • Personalised printable resources (if applicable)
  • 90-minute implementation call

Tranquil – Bee £645

The full autism and anxiety package includes a 45 minute initial consultation call, in depth questionnaire detailing your child’s sleep needs, a sensory profile where applicable, bespoke- written plan, 90 minute video call to help you implement the plan and up to 4 weeks of WhatsApp support to help you stay on track.

  • Initial 45-minute call
  • Indepth questionnaire
  • Sensory profiling (if applicable)
  • Bespoke written plan
  • Personalised printable resources (if applicable)
  • 90-minute implementation call
  • Up to 4 weeks WhatsApp support

Get in touch to see how we can support your school community